About The Author
Kenneth Hamer-Hodges
Kenneth J Hamer-Hodges was born in the Royal Naval sea port of Portsmouth, England in 1945, where he grew up. After graduation he worked on the design of the first commercial Capability-Based Computer, the PP250, a fault-tolerant multiprocessor with trusted software. He is now an American citizens living in South Florida.
Throughout his career he taught colleagues about his experience with object-oriented machine code and the functional Church-Instructions of a Church-Turing Machine. His first book, “Civilizing Cyberspace: The Fight for Digital Democracy,” explains how democracy must evolve if citizens are to remain in charge of government in the 21st Century global village.
books by: Kenneth Hamer-Hodges
The Fate Of AI Society Civilizing Superhuman Cyberspace
Hackers who exploit binary computers become expert cybercriminals. A vicious cycle of undetected attacks by criminal gangs, spies, and foreign enemies fuels...
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Civilizing Cyberspace The Fight For Digital Democracy
The subject of cybersecurity is too dry, while a readable text is too short. Instead, I hope to provoke a loud debate on the future and the urgent need for Industrial Strength Computer Science.
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